How many members are there?
How many members are there?  We have about 150 members, as of December 2021. This number should increase substantially with an advertising campaign, as we begin to focus on a legal challenge.
How can I become a member and support it’s cause ?
Contact us. Tell us your story, and how you have voiced your complaint to the City administration so far. Through this website, and on occasion direct correspondence, we will keep you informed of the activities of the Coalition, and ask you to participate by commentary, suggestions and action. Within the year, we will likely make a decision on whether legal action is viable. At that time , there will likely be a request for a donation through a secure site. We are also actively recruiting for positions on our advisory committee amongst participants.

Who are the members?

We will put more stories up periodically. The group began with Sunshine Coast residents but it spreading much farther afield. Dr. Reiner  B’s, Joyce M’s and Linda J’s  stories found on the about us page, shows the injustice of this from our member’s perspectives.